Command and Control? Hierarchy and the International Politics of Foreign Military Bases peer reviewed chapterAlexander CooleyMay 18, 2019
Grounding the Backlash: Regional Security Treaties, Counternorms and Human Rights in Eurasia peer reviewed chapterAlexander CooleyMay 16, 2019
Interpersonal Networks and International security: US- Georgia Relations During the Bush Administration peer reviewed chapterAlexander CooleyMay 14, 2019
Foreign Military Bases, Sovereignty and Nation-building After Empire: The United States in Comparative Perspective peer reviewed chapterAlexander CooleyMay 12, 2019
Outsourcing Authority: How Project Contracts Transform Global Governance Networks peer reviewed chapterAlexander CooleyMay 8, 2019
Contested Contracts: Rationalist Theories of Institutions in American IPE peer reviewed chapterAlexander CooleyMay 6, 2019
Globalization and National Security After Empire: The Former Soviet Space peer reviewed chapterAleks TurekMay 4, 2019